GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Jim Renacci Condemns DeWine’s ‘Silence’ on Critical Race Theory


Former U.S. Representative Jim Renacci, a contender for the Ohio GOP Gubernatorial nomination, condemned current Governor Mike DeWine for “silence” on Critical Race Theory.

The contentious issue, which has led multiple states to ban the teaching of the topic, has been the subject of widespread criticism from elected leaders.

In Ohio, two potential laws introduced in the Ohio House of Representatives would prohibit teaching “an individual, by virtue of the individual’s race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously.”

However, DeWine has been silent on the issue, according to Renacci.

“Mike DeWine has been conspicuously silent on the pair of bills making their way through the state legislature that would protect our schoolchildren from being indoctrinated by Critical Race Theory. But we already know DeWine has been forcing Critical Race Theory into schools and supports teaching our children they should feel guilty about simply existing and that they are born racist,” Renacci said in an emailed statement.

Furthermore, the GOP challenger argued that DeWine’s previous appointments are troublesome.

“Seven of the eight members of Ohio’s State School Board that DeWine appointed all supported and voted for CRT to be part of the curriculum. This is another example of DeWine dividing Ohioans and endangering our children—through racial stereotyping and segregation— instead of bringing everyone together,” he continued.

Critical Race Theory remains a crucial issue throughout the state. Dozens of proponents of the proposed legislation rallied on the Ohio Capitol’s south plaza to demonstrate their support of the measure.

Earlier this year, a large number of teachers across the state of Ohio signed a pledge to continue to teach Critical Race Theory, even if the decision violates the law.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Jim Renacci” by The City Club of Cleveland. 











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